Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beginning of a splash

I took 400+ pictures at Owen Beach. The splash is what I wanted most to make.

Here is my splash I plan on building with an oval plywood base.

 The splash was a bit challenging when I got it in the water. I had balloons to hold up "water" droplets, which turned out to be a bad idea at first. The wind was blowing towards the shore at first, then the wind changed when I was ready to leave, so I waited and the balloons helped pull it out from the shore and I was able to get some good pictures. The water was causing it to fall apart.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stuck in the Mud

Integrating myself with a location near or on campus that I could connect with somehow was not easy. I have been felt rather disconnected to everything lately and a little stuck. That stuck feeling seemed to work out though, because as I walked around campus I walked by the train tracks and saw the mud that was brought up when the heavy construction equipment was moved down behind the library. That was it. I was stuck in the mud.

There I am, stuck in the mud feeling a little overwhelmed and half buried by the stress and responsibilities in life.

Here I am, stuck in the mud, maybe I'll be able to dig my way out so I can continue on my path.

I was walking around campus and I felt like I couldn't attach myself to anything around me. I haven't spent much time on or near campus this quarter. I walked by the train tracks and noticed how much mud was displaced by the heavy equipment that was moved to the back side of the library. I felt kinda stuck in the mud. I had taken on too much in January. I was doing so much outside of homework I my homework was suffering. I was too embarrassed to ask for help, I was digging my self a messy hole. So, here I am. Standing in my wet hole in the ground getting rained on. The weather was a perfect addition, completing the mood.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Floating Bricks

This was the first idea I had for the wall. The overlapping papers looked interesting but didn't really work for the assignment in this shape. I then changed the shape to mimic the dimensions of the bricks as seen below.

I liked the way they overlapped at the corners. Now I just had to figure out how to suspend them where and how I wanted to get the right effect and look.

I took measurements of the space and of the bricks to get the shapes accurate.

I took over 100 pictures of the brick and use the pictures printing some onto matte photo paper to get the color and enhance the emphasis on the brick that I was focusing on. I taped the pictures to tulle fabric as my structural base and the light material allowed drafts of wind to move it as people passed by it on the stairs. Movement catches the eye, it also made the brick less stable.  Brick is a hard and stable material that can stand for more than just decades, if well maintained it could survive centuries. 

The Tulle holding all the pictures is nearly invisible.

When viewed at an angle the bricks overlap a little. Unfortunately, there is a little bit of waviness in some of the bricks and the tulle didn't hang as straight as I has hoped.

Monday, January 10, 2011

One image was made in an ArtRage3 demo.

 The other is chalk on charcoal paper. I focused on the most dominant colors and the shapes they made.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I liked the view at this angle with the grid and how everything is bigger at the top and gets smaller going down. It's a consistent view from any high point.